EN ISO 9001: 2015
Having the quality as a driving force of our company's growth and wanting to contribute to its ever more effective operation in order to achieve the maximum satisfaction of our customers, we have proceeded with our certification process according to EN ISO 9001: 2015.
EN ISO 9001: 2015 is the most widely used quality management standard worldwide. It aims at strengthening the organization and its internal processes on the basis of its requirements, so that the level of service offered can be continually improved.
The standard procedures set up by the standard, coupled with ongoing staff briefing and training, ensure the continuous provision of services that meet both customer requirements and existing legal and regulatory requirements. In addition, organizing the departments of the company, as it applies, limits mistakes and failures, while increasing staff performance.
HACCP is an international standard based on preventive management of food safety issues and its mandatory implementation according to European and Greek legislation. More specifically, it includes a set of hygiene principles for food safety and in Greek is referred to as "Risk Assessment and Critical Control Points".
By monitoring and verifying the effectiveness of the measures taken, a precautionary food safety management system is in place that achieves compliance with the requirements of existing legislation and is a tool for further improvement.
By preserving this certification, we ensure beyond our compliance with the relevant national and community directives, the continuous improvement of the quality of our services, the sense of security of our customers, and also the drastic reduction in the percentage of failures.
The main goal of the quality policy of HAVAKIS - MEGALONISOS is the continuous improvement of our business performance, while creating added value for our customers, utilizing the rapid technological developments in the sector of warehousing and distribution of products.
The strategic orientation of our company is designed to:
- Direct and efficient provision of quality services for customers.
- Providing mostly effective solutions.
- The continuous development of systems using cutting-edge technologies.
- The recruitment of highly qualified personnel and trained staff.
In particular, the company's individual quality objectives are:
- The continuous improvement of its business performance
- The continuous development of human resources
- Maximizing customer satisfaction
In order to achieve all of this, our company has continuously installed, implemented and improved a Quality Management System that complies with the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015 on National Road Transport, excluding dangerous cargoes.
Company's Management estimates that Quality Management System is an essential means of strengthening its business position due to:
- The continuous improvement of Quality of Services
- The most efficient organization
- Promoting innovation
The framework and mechanism for defining and reviewing the objectives of quality is set out in the System's regular reviews by Management.
Also, our company's goal is to identify the requirements of all stakeholders and take actions to meet them.
Continuous improvement of quality performance and prevention of non-compliance problems, which is a commitment of management, require awareness and systematic control in each individual process as a whole.
Company's management is committed to continuously improving the effectiveness of Quality System, meeting the applicable requirements and the requirements of all interested parties.